Sunday, September 21, 2008

Bull Durham Blues Festival

Yester day I went to Blues festival, in fact a musical concert. They made it a tradition to celebrate this music every year and that's how concert attain the status of a festival.What I attended was 21st year festival.'Blues' is a kind of music that expresses the emotion 'pathos' and more of Southern in style, that’s how popular in Durham. The entry ticket is $ 45, expensive but worth visiting and I had a gala time with music, Popcorn, Falafels (a kind of vada and vegetables wrapped in roti) and Soda.
Check out these videos to share my joy of being part of the celebration.


Anonymous said...

GOOd music,good smile,HAVE MORE FUN MAN !

vamsi krishna said...

Vanaja mam
Keep watching the posts.
Lot of fun ahead.