Thursday, December 4, 2008

The south of the boarder

South Of The Border (or SOB, as it's known to insiders) is a unique amalgam of Dixie and Old Mexico. At first you wonder what all this Mexican stuff is doing in South Carolina, thousands of miles from its natural habitat. But in a remarkably short time you'll accept SOB as a neon yellow and pink Tijuana, with the added benefit that its inhabitants speak English and its water is safe to drink.
The mascot of the place is Pedro, a grinning mustachioed caricature topped with an out sized 'sombrero' (a straw/felt hat). It is Pedro who speaks from the billboards. It is Pedro who straddles the SOB entrance, 97 feet tall, "the largest freestanding sign east of the Mississippi." You can drive between his legs.
The South Carolina state line is the summertime starting point for fireworks, and SOB offers a huge selection. Load up with roman candles and rat chasers at Pedro's Rocket City. Outside, a 30 minute audio tape of MTV hits plays over and over without interruption.