Saturday, October 25, 2008

'Fair'y post

Today, I had a great time visiting the North Carolina State Fair. The fair is a true 'melting pot' of North Carolina's rich heritage, agriculture, arts, crafts, and music. It provides a platform for exhibitors to showcase their farm products, cattle, and pets. I saw cows, goats, pigs, rabbits, and turkeys, among other animals. There were also games, rides, competitions, and exhibits, offering unlimited entertainment.

Apple candy, Cotton candy, Pan Cakes, Hush Puppys, Elephant ears and Hot dogs are the popular food items.

I tried this 'freak out' ride. Uff... scary...

O.K find, Where am I?

I checked out one more activity from my 'to-do list'.
Lots of video and pics in the coming posts...

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