Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe - The Plumber

Last Wednesday marked the third and final presidential debate, and the spotlight shifted from President Obama and Senator McCain to a surprising figure: Joe the Plumber from Ohio. Joe has become a media sensation after his unexpected role in the debate between the two White House rivals. As a tradesman who has worked 12-hour shifts for years, Joe plans to buy his own small plumbing business. However, this decision would increase his earnings to over $250,000, making him a target of President Obama’s plan to tax the wealthy. Joe pointed out this concern to Senator Obama during a campaign event in Toledo the previous weekend. At that moment, he had no idea that their brief conversation would soon become the centerpiece of John McCain's critiques of Obama's economic policies. During the debate, Senator McCain reminded Barack Obama that Joe the Plumber did not want to vote for him because his taxes would rise under Obama's plan. Throughout the debate, both candidates repeatedly addressed Joe directly as they discussed the issue.

If you want to see the conversation between Joe and Obama, Click here.

You can also view the debate between Obama and McCain on this issue -

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